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A reduced instruction set GPU that constructs 2D shapes

Displaying Shapes With A GPU


We implemented a rudimentary graphics processing unit capable of creating and displaying basic shapes.

The graphics processing unit that we designed is comprised of a few simple and basic components that do basic GPU functionalities. Those components are instruction decoder, instruction processor, rasterizer, and pixel display module. With the GPU that we created, we can turn a shape defined in terms of coordinates into a collection of pixels that can be showed in a display.

Our Story

We decided to work on GPU’s because we wanted to build upon the skills that we had learned from completing our CPU’s. We wanted to make something more tangible that we had built ourselves. We wanted to create something using verilog as well. We came across a description of what a GPU was and thought that it would be cool to work on a part that is so necessary for contemporary computers.

After deciding to pursue a GPU project, we looked up resources about how typical GPUs work. We were particularly inspired by Peter Alexander Greczner’s implementation of a GPU, because he used a reduced instruction set to construct pictures out of basic shapes (triangles, rectangles, etc). Using this as an inspiration, we decided on a similar, reduced instruction set consisting of drawing rectangles and triangles and filling them in with specific colors.

How Our GPU Works

Flow Chart

We constructed verilog modules for each of the stages listed above. instructiondecode: In instructiondecode.v. This module parses the incoming instruction by index.

processInstruction: In process.v. This module calculates the 4th point of the rectangle if the shape bit insists on it.

rasterize: In rasterization.v. This module generates a 1-D array of all the points needed for the processPixels step

processPixels: In processPixels.v, This module prepares the listed pixel values for synthesizing with HDMI

TMDS_encoder: In TMDS_encoder.v. This module facilitates processPixels.v in preparing the pixels for displaying on HDMI

Our Approach

First Step: Processing the Instruction

We tackled this problem by defining the goal we wanted from our project: the ability to construct basic shapes using a custom instruction set. In the beginning, we defined our instruction set with a few constraints in mind:

Instruction Set

After considering all the things we needed to get all the necessary points for the rasterization step. We made a new module called processInstruction that calculates the points needed given the operation in the instruction.

Second Step: Rasterization

The rasterization step is able to take in the 3 or 4 points specified by processInstruction and obtain all the pixels within the boundaries of those points. The procedure in stage depends on the shape, because calculating whether the inputs enclose a pixel is slightly more complex for a triangle than for a rectangle.

Rasterization Example

Third Step: Displaying Points on HDMI

After getting an array of coordinates from the rasterization step, we process that output in the pixel processing step. This step generates HDMI video signal to display a 640 x 480 screen with a 60 Hz refresh rate and 8-bit color.

Displaying the 8-bit color involves encoding the 8 bit color values of each pixel using a special 8b/10b encoding algorithm called Transition Minimized Differential Signaling, or TMDS which manipulates the 8 bits of data and adds 2 control bits in order to minimize the number of transitions and balance the average number of 1s and 0s (this reduces noise when the signal is transmitted over physical wire). The TMDS algorithm is a two-step encoding process in which all but the least significant bit (which is left unchanged) is either XOR or XNOR transformed with the previous bit based on which one produces fewer transitions. The first control bit (the 9th bit) encodes whether XOR or XNOR was used. The second step involves optionally inverting the lower 8 bits (all of the data bits but not the control bits) based on which results in lower disparity between the number of ones and the number of zeros in the data byte. The 10th bit (most significant bit) encodes whether or not the data byte was inverted. The actual algorithm for implementing this is shown in the flow diagram below (from EE Wiki Description of TMDS Encoding) TMDS Encoding Flow Chart

The 10 bit TMDS encoded color values are then serialized and synchronized to the HDMI pixel clock and output over 3 differential data lines (one for red, one for green, and one for blue). The pixel clock is also output differentially, following the HDMI specification.

Final Step: Transitioning to the FPGA

When synthesizing our code onto the FPGA, we needed to set up port definitions in a Vivado constraints file as well as set up a Mixed-Mode Clock Manager (MMCM) module to generate both the 25 MHz pixel clock and the 250 MHz TMDS serializer clocks from the 125 MHz system clock.

Some Results

We constructed testbenches for each component to make sure they worked as expected. We approached first and second steps by inputting predefined instructions for various screen widths and heights. These predefined instructions would make it easy for us to see if we obtained the right coordinates, shape value, and color values.

GTKWave Output Wave-Viewer Output For the Instruction Decode Testbench

After verifying the working condition of the individual processinstruction, instructiondecode, and rasterize modules, we constructed a top-level module that initializes all of these modules and used GTKWave to make sure the outputs behave as expected.

We also tried synthesizing our top level module to test the HDMI display and TMDS encoding modules. We successfully generated HDMI video signals, however there is some sort of timing misalignment that is creating unwanted gradients in the display background color as seen in the image below. This prevented us from integrating our rasterization module with pixel processing/TMDS encoding and prevented us from displaying shapes on a physical screen. Output from our GPU being Displayed on HDMI Screen

Trying This At Home

This project was especially new for each of us, so we faced a few challenges along the way. We would like to explain a few of those challenges, describe possible next steps, and thank some of the resources we’ve used.

Before You Start, Be Sure You Know:

Possible Next Steps:

We can extend our GPU to …

Resources Used